Saturday, March 7, 2009

Father Daughter Dance

Well two of my sweets got dressed up for fun tonight. It was the annual Girl Scout Father Daughter Dance and this year's theme was square dancin'! They seemed to have a pretty good time and I'm glad because this has become something Emma looks forward to doing with her dad every year now. I'm glad she's enjoying the scouting program as much as she is!

Friday, February 20, 2009

We were INVADED!!

It was a CRAZY past week here in the Squires home. We took delivery of 78 cases of Girl Scout cookies which I sorted that afternoon so they could be picked up by the girls/parents after their meeting as well as sorting the 160+ that Emma sold for her to deliver mostly to Dwayne's office the next day! Of course in my horrible procrastination, I had found what I thought were the cutest valentines idea Luv Bugs from Oriental Trading Company. They arrived Wednesday (same day as the cookies) so they had to be made Thursday to deliver to class Friday. Well it would've been nice to have had more specifics, they came with all the pieces and I mean ALL THE LITTLE PIECES! Yes it was definitely an assembly required project with lots of tacky glue and tape. We made enough for Peyton's, Emma's and my preschool classes!! Was it worth it? Yeah ....of course it was! It was a crazy week but a fun week and we survived the invasion of cookies and Luv Bugs!

I'm baaack!

I know, I know I'm HORRIBLE at posting here and I vowed I would be better in the new year. Here's another try. So we've been busy as usual. We've been ice skating together for the first time which was fun and funny all in one. It was something we did with Emma's brownie troop and it was so much fun we've (read: kids) been begging to go every weekend since!

I also took several videos which are fun and I will try to post those later.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Family Pictures

While we were in Georgia for Christmas we had a wonderful photographer Suellen Kay come over to Mom and Dad's house to get the big family portarait as well as lots of others, Suellen has updated her blog with a few of the images from that day. They are of Peyton, Meghan (one of Lauri's girls) and Brock (Jenn's stepson), they are awesome I can't wait to see the rest! Thanks again Suellen!